
About me

Based in Bournemouth, I spend my time making websites, working out and walking along the beach

Why I do what I do

Picture this: its 2020 and I’m building the website for my first ecommerce business. I’m excited and motivated and just generally having a good time… then I finish the website and start marketing… and dealing with customer support… and supplier issues… and suddenly the passion is gone. I went through this same cycle for three different ecommerce stores, wondering if the product was the problem, or the niche or the suppliers were the problem each time leaving more and more demotivated. Then it hit me.

I realised that in every business I’d started it was always the websites that, not only did I enjoy the most, but that brought the best possible work out of me. So I started freelancing, focusing on learning the best tools and practices inside out and rediscovering my passion for what I do. And that’s where I am today; a freelance web developer who loves making beautiful websites.

However this isn’t the end of the story this is the beginning, I’ve got plans to expand my skills and eventually my business into a web design agency, offering the highest quality web services around and I could not be more excited to push towards this goal.


My Skills

Over the past 4 years I’ve gained volumes of experience in software/web development and graphics design from a range of sources including the ecommerce business I mentioned earlier. However, a wise man once said “every day’s a school day” so I’m always focused on learning new technologies and concepts to make those real head turning 

Graphics Design

Experience (the boring section)


JP Morgan

Software Engineer

I worked in a small agile team creating microservice java applications and learnt volumes about clean coding, project management and UI design. Due to the sensitive nature of our work, we had to develop incredibly secure and stable applications, principles that I carry across to my web development.


Various small ecommerce businesses

Web Developer/Graphics Designer

In 2020 I started several ecommerce businesses testing products and ideas. This required me to learn about graphics design, creating high converting and professional websites and marketing. I realised however that my real passion was for the website creation and not managing and marketing products, closing down the store to focus on what I do best.


Bournemouth University

Computer Scientist/SOftware engineer

I have a working experience of a range of different coding languages from my university degree including Kotlin, Javascript, HTML, CSS and PHP as well as a general knowledge of good development principles and practices